a riyal dottyback nano tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 11, 2011
im thinking of creating a nano reef just for a royal dottyback and nothing else, they are my favorite fish, but they are to agressive to keep with others
i will take sand and rock from my other tank
could someone link me to a small cheap tank and everything else i will need.
what is the minimum size if all i am keeping is a dotty
its all good, i wouldnt get the cube cuz i have very limited funds and spane, where would i find a ten gal heater, i have one but it only heats to 72, would that be enough
72 is the absolute bare MINIMUM. I suppose he could thrive in that temperature, but I think he would be happier in the 75-ish range.
A 50 Watt heater is good enough for a 10 gallon tank. They are cheap, I think that they are $15.
i will buy the 50 w, could someone link me a cheap 10 g setup including a filter
do u guys think there are any other fish i could put in
ya, i understand, i just really also want a pygym angel, nn suggestons on how to make that happen 2
ya i guess ill just do the dotty nano, where do u think i could get a cheap pre made tank, filter included
zacheyp said:
ya i guess ill just do the dotty nano, where do u think i could get a cheap pre made tank, filter included

Well, there are "beginner tanks" from Petco and what not, but I don't know if you can use the filters with them for saltwater. I think so, but not 100%. If you see Carey around, she helped me with these kinds of filter questions.
Hm, I really wouldn't want to go any smaller than 10g IMO. LiveAquaria says 30g, but they are pretty generous on tank sizes IMO. not sure if 10g is even too small, but I figured it would be ok, especially since he is the only fish. You may want to get some second opinions just in case though. :)
ill do a ten gal, as u said, it should be fine cuz its by itself, any other tips or ideas for the tank? i was thinking i wont need to cycle cuz i will take water, sand and rock from my other tank
zacheyp said:
ill do a ten gal, as u said, it should be fine cuz its by itself, any other tips or ideas for the tank? i was thinking i wont need to cycle cuz i will take water, sand and rock from my other tank

Well, it will still have to cycle, it will just do it a lot quicker :)! Test your water during the cycle though, just to make sure everything in going smoothly.
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