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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 1, 2006
I came home from work today and noticed something strange in my tank. the water was very very cloudy. I stood around for a couple of seconds until I saw my sea anemone being sucked in by my canister filter. Peace by peace it was getting sucked in then blown out the other end. It was disgusting. Even worse, 2 of my fish have died today because of this. Can you believe it????
Dude, that sucks..
Bout the only thing I can offer besides condolences is the advice of use of some sorta foam protector for the intake...
Unisghtly and maybe not effective (not sure..havnt had the problem...yet...)
my huge LTA anemone got stuck on my filter intake. i turned off filter and surrounded my anemone with LR to stop it from moving back to the filter.

sorry to hear that. what fish died?
Anemone are always a risk for that reason. Is the anemone dead or did just some of the tentacles get pulled in?
I know the feeling. I had a small Clown get sucked into the intake. Just use a strainer on all the intakes. I will never make that mistake again, I still feel bad to this day.
Actually all of the anemone got sucked in.
I had a molly fish who died (was the first fish I had) and a firefish who was friends with a pistol shrimp, who know is all alone.
Im so pissed off.
At this point I would run GAC and replace it every 3-5 days, do a few PWC's (20-35%) a couple days apart along w/ testing daily for ammonia, nitrites, PH, etc. It is important to take the proper precautions regarding equipment before purchasing an anemone, along w/ being aware of the inevitable risk of it wandering. Best of luck.
Sorry for your loss... i love anemones...

out of curiousity, is there any way to completely avoid this? Like, will they not get sucked up in a "reef ready" tank?
tcarola154 said:
Sorry for your loss... i love anemones...

out of curiousity, is there any way to completely avoid this? Like, will they not get sucked up in a "reef ready" tank?

Keep strainers on the end of everything that can potentially suck it up.
I had a similar experience with a condylactis anemone. I actually added 2 of them to my tank at the same time on the hopes that my clowns would maybe host them. They were both really small and I only payed about $3 each for them at Petco. One of the condys picked out a spot he liked in the tank and never travelled. I've had him now for about 6 months and he's grown so much that he looks huge when he's all inflated. The other one never could seem to find a spot he was comfortable with and eventually met up with the intake of my canister filter. Not sure why one was a traveller and the other not. Didn't have any luck with the clowns hosting the remaining one, but now I really like him. He's turned brown and glows a nice green under the actinics. Would really suck to lose him. Sorry for your loss :cry:

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