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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 24, 2005
It seems that my 40 gallon tank is falling apart cause of the stupid Ich we treated it with salt and it did not get better so now we are trying it with meds. Well we had 10 five band barbs well now we only have 8 the other 2 just disappeared into thin air and now we lost one of our catfish from there. Not sure if it was sick from day one cause it never seemed to be growing and we have had it for about a month and a half so it should of grown at least a little during that time. We have removed the betta and put him and QT for now until things maybe work them selfs out in there i guess we will see in time how things go.
Did you combine your salt with the heat treatment? Most Volks over here seem to prefer the Heat method for treating ICH, and adding salt is just supplementary to help with stress, gill function and ect...
How much salt did you add?
What type of Cat? Many Cat's cannot tolerate salt at med-high levels, but can stand low level salinity.

The heat treatment pretty much eradicates all ICH from your tank, permanently, unless through lack of quarantine or cross contamination you re-infect the tank.
Treatment consist of slowly raising water temp to atleast 86'f/118C (I think that F/C conversion is right?) and maintaining it for atleast one (1) week after the last sign of infestation. For chronic infestations hold temp for up to a month as ICH parasites can lay deep in the substrate.
The temp is raised to about 85 we added about 6 table spoons of salt and this was over a week ago from what i have read you should at least some sighn of it working on the third day. It was a Bristlenose catfish and from what i have read the are suppose to be hardy fishes too, like i said i think it was a bad batch of catfish cause all of the ones we got from a certain store have died. It seems that the banded barbs are the only one with it cause my betta has non of it and like i said he is in a qt tank now so the meds dont bother him the other catfish also as no sighns of it juts these five banded barbs.
What sort of catfish was it? They can be very sensitive to that might of have been the cause of his death.
What sort of catfish was it? They can be very sensitive to that might of have been the cause of his death.

Both are Bristlenose catfish the other one is doing great and had no problem with the salt

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