Acei holding

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 2, 2011
goldsboro,north carolina
I was looking at my fishtank last night and my daughter noticed a baby was hiding under my rock. I'm so excited,my acei had been holding but she always spit the eggs out to early. I only see one right now, hopefully I will find sum more in there!!!!!
Mouth-Brooder-Fanatic said:
how early? when were they due? x

I know she was holding a couple weeks ago,they don't have no egg sacks,nor any color and their eating the flake food. I really don't know their age
Mouth-Brooder-Fanatic said:
aww bless them. i hope they all live for you :) then will u sell some to the lfs? x

Right now I'm only seeing one,I have alot of rocks in my tank,but I think I will keep them.
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