Ack! Blue Green Algae!! Is there anything worse!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 28, 2003
Winnipeg CAN
This stuff is like cancer and it smells terrible too! Does anyone know how to get rid of it? and what did you use? I've read that it's a bacteria not an actual algae, is that true?

Treat the tank with Maracyn, half dose, and in a week this stuff will be but a distant memory. Using half dose I have not had any problems with the tank cycling, as long as it is an established tank. Treat at the very first sign of it if you ever have it darken your door again (*crosses self*).
I am playing with this stinky stuff in my 58 gallon right now.. The smell is not nice.. :) I've been doing extra water changes / gravel vacs and cut back on the feedings.....

I'm getting close to taking TankGirls advice.....

I have always treated as Tankgirl has suggested above...I don't mess around with the stuff...I hate it!
Well if the experts say it's true.. I'll have to listen to them... :)

I will have to track some maracyn down.. :D
Yep, that's my experience, once you spot it, it is NOT going to go away, and then it just gets all over everywhere, against the glass beneath the substrate, lookin' all funky.

Interesting thing I have found is that the only tank in my house that ever gets it is my ARLC, and that has been true for years. Once about every other year I have to dose that tank for BGA, but I have never had it in any other tank in all the years I've been keeping fish. I just treated for it in that tank even though it was completely torn down when we moved in May. There has got to be some kind of reason for that, but I don't know what.
I was able to get my cyano. problem under control by simply removing it and then covering my tank in darkness for 2-3 days. I guess this chokes the bacteria/algae but not the plants. Worked for me, without chemicals!
I manually removed it and cut back feedings but did not cut back lighting.. I am keeping a close eye on it and will likely go out and get maracyn and have it on stand by for the time being.. I also added carbon to see if that would eliminate the smell...

Carbon is a great idea - I never thought about using it when I was battling the stuff - let us know how it works.

I have had no success with blackout, but it is a single-cell algae and grows very rapidly, and is more of a bacteria. I have heard of others with success using blackout, tho.

High DOC's in the water are apparently a prime cause, and also it can take hold in a relatively new tank since bacteria has not yet covered all of the structures in the tank, thus acting as a barrier.

For me, DOC's are likely not a cause since I change the water and vac once or twice a week, but one thing I have read is that poor lighting can contribute - my ARLC is not lit like my planted tanks so I might add a light strip and see if that changes anything.
I just recently upgraded my lights and one of my hornwort was slightly decade from the old lighting... This triggered the bloom or growth for me.. The decay of the plant and some extra nutrients from occational generous feedings...

I choose to not turn of the lights based on some readings from a few threads in the krib. One person suggested that you should keep the lights on so the plants continue to grow and compete against the cyano. Another person suggested you love it to death or something like that..

I've cut back my feeding because I am sure that it slowly built up on me over time. (tanks is 9 months old?)

Just so I am clear here.. the growth I experienced isn't blankets. I caught it early so it was just on plants / driftwood and a few spots on gravel..

Mine could be some other algea growth.. I am calling it cyano based on the fact that the tank stank... :)

Well update 26.245... I picked up the maracyn "just in case"..... AND i got home and there is new growth on the gravel and on the plants.. So in went the maracyn... Wish me luck with this crud..... :)

Best of luck with the crud - half-dose should do the job with your bacterial colonies left intact.

I have all the confidence in the Moooooose :)
YEP first 1/2 dose in.. keep you posted with the progress... :) Thanks for your advice and support...

Day 2.5 of the treatment and it looks like the med is winning the battle... I aquired 2 zebra snails as well and they seem to be having fun in the tank.. The one attacked the driftwood..... :)

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