ADA Aquasoil II and ammonia: The Facts

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 25, 2015
After switching my established aquarium over to Ada, I was curious about how long it would take for the ammonia to be neutralized with my established filter. And I discovered some important information:
#1: It is safe to add fish to aquasoil after 1 week IF the Aquarium has an established filter and a Decent amount of live plants, since nitrite is very dangerous. If you do not have a established filter you should cycle for no less than 4 weeks.
#2: Aquasoil's ammonia leach and ph buffering mean that ammonia will be neutralized as long as pH is below 6.4 and a temp of 78 degrees, but still be able to be cycled, since the free ammonia is converted to nontoxic TAN (Total ammonia/nitrogen), ammonia test kits combine both TAN and free ammonia readings together so, they are innacurate. Free ammonia is increased by alkaline pH, so, it is decreased by acidic pH.

You can calculate your ammount of Free Ammonia here and read about the relationship: (Its the Graph)
Aquaworld Aquarium - Article - Ammonia Toxicity and the pH Relationship

If you are wondering, yes, I did test this method. I added 7 neons and 4 otos to a aquasoiled 20 gallon aquarium after cycling for a week, and after testing for nitrites, and they are alive and thriving. But remember- acclimate your fish slowly to low pH's for at least 2 hours.

Thank You
Thanks for an interesting bit of information. I had not known about those things. I have put off using the Aquasoil (or other types) due to having to figure out all the ammonia issues.
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