Adding more B/G chromis?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 31, 2004
Accokeek, Maryland
Got a 75g fish and reef w/3 percs, 2 b/g chromis, 1 yellow tang, foxface rabbit, 1 blenny, & a watchman goby.

I've heard adding any new b/g chromis might cause problems if they already had the male female thing worked out with the 2 I've already got. Would like 2 or 3 more. Anybody think I can add new ones? Should they be larger or smaller than what I have, or does it matter?
i would go with larger ones to add to the ones you have !! but imo they are hit/miss i had up to 10 at one time and they slowly got picked on by the two main chromis's now there are only 2 :-(
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