Adding new fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 12, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I want to add some new friends to my tank, having a hard time deciding, have go to LFS 3 times now and walked out empty handed. Here's what I have so far, 4 clown loaches, 4 bleeding hart tetras 6 bosmani rainbows, 6 buenos aries tetras, 1 albino pleco,
I'm looking for something that will look good and get along with the fish I have. They're in a 75 Gallon tank, so plenty of room for a couple more.
Any suggestions?
are you interested in a pair of dwarf cichlids like rams. Or did you want more schooling fish?
i like the Harlequin Rasboras,so I'd say they are a possibility. I think the cichlids may a little aggressive for me. I've been looking for some blind cave fish, they must be seasonal around here because haven't seen them for a while.
The dwarf cichlids and rams are not aggressive as far as cichlids go (Its a extremely large group of fish some of wich are very aggressive) HTH
The Africans are aggressive (with a few exceptions) and some of the South/Central American ones are. Rams are not. They are very nice fish to add to a community setting. Although, they are finicky about their water quality. Rasbora's or even Rummynose Tetra's are nice additions.
If you decide to choose rams, I would go with bolivian over German blues because they seem to have more personality and they are not as critical on water quality. They may not have as much color as the German blues, but they have amazing coloration IMO.
I'm a fan of the bottom-feeders so my opinion is biased. I would get a couple more loaches at least (you can never have too many). If not then, I would recommend Cories...a group of 4 or more would be nice.
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