Adding sand to full aquarium ?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 13, 2013
hi guys, I have a cycled tank with fish and live plants but i feel that my substrate is a little too little, I need to add some sand. Can I do it with the tank full? I did it once but not sure if it can harm the water quality of fish.

It will cloud up for a while but it should not change the chemical composition of the water IMO.
hi guys, I have a cycled tank with fish and live plants but i feel that my substrate is a little too little, I need to add some sand. Can I do it with the tank full? I did it once but not sure if it can harm the water quality of fish.


Take a two liter pop bottle and cut the bottom off of it. Rinse it out goo then put in tank and pour the sand in it and spread around. It will help little sand particles from floating around. Try to.clean the sand as best as you can before use and that will help with the cloudy water.
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