ADF life span

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
Does any one know how long ADF's can live? I was just curious... I've had my oringal 3 for over a year now plus 1 I got during the summer (the other one died) and then I just got 2 smaller ones the other day and they're probably the only things I have originally left from the first things I got for my tank ._.
I have....well I HAD 6. Now I'm down to 4....oddly enough after I posted this i had two dead frogs in my tank. One of the new ones and one of my older frogs and I can't figure out why ._.

But....YAY! I CAN HAVE MY FROGGIES FOR A LONG TIME!...I'm somewhat amazed that some people have trouble keeping them alive or eating though...mine'll eat anything I give em they just prefer things like bloodworms or meat... ._. lol
Mine is my baby. Can anyone tell if mine is a boy or a girl??? I'm thinking girl by the way she throws her weight around.


So I guess the white dot on his elbow isn't it. So maybe I can call her Princess, unless it isn't "mature" yet. He/she is still shedding its skin quite frequently.

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