Aquarium Advice Activist
Nothing is wrong with my tank. My fish are doing great, I saved one from ich (was bullied), and the coral looks awesome. I want to make it optimum though. I want everything to thrive, not "do good". Not please do not haze me for this, but here is my tank;
28 gallon AquaEuroUsa Nano-Cube w/ internal filter including a AquaEuro Nano Protein Skimmer II
Now before you start ranting about me overstocking it, especially with that Tang I know already. I almost have saved enough to buy a 180 (or bigger) fish tank in the fall where it will be moved to along with, possibly, the coral beauty (i want a peaceful tank with no aggressive inhabitants, I have only seen territorial tendencies in the Tang). Back to my concern. I have a BUNCH of algae growth on the wall. I change the water weekly (5 gallons) with Red Sea Pro Saltwater. I feed a pinch of pellets twice a day with a block of mysis shrimp 6x a week with brine 1 day. I also feed a strip of seaweed every other day. Other than that, I do nothing else. No supplements for the coral. No zooplankton or coepods (i have tried before with coepods though). I have a BUNCH of coralline algae (pink) everywhere. On the glass, on the rock, on the shells of both the hermit crab AND the snails (not nassarius). Sometimes I directly feed the hairy mushroom, alveopora and blastomussa. There is roughly 40-50 pounds of live rock in the tank. So any suggestions (other than removing the tang and coral beauty) to make my tank great ? It has been having a lot of algae for a while now, before adding any other fish but the tomato clowns. I just want my tank excellent, so what should I buy and add? I have noticed snails are naturally dying recently for no reason either. I have also acquired many hitchhikers including an outstanding amount tubeworms mostly with white shells and red "blooms", sponges, those tiny starfish, some snails, also I have something someone called a "ball anemone" and these wierd things too. Anyways PLEASE I want suggestions, criticism, and applause. If you want pics, I will supply. Thanks, oh and I also leave my lights on for....14 hours
The "ball anemone"
"Wierd things"
Front view of my tank with almost every inhabitant out
Now I sit back and hope to get plenty of feed back
28 gallon AquaEuroUsa Nano-Cube w/ internal filter including a AquaEuro Nano Protein Skimmer II
Fish said:2x Tomato Clown (mated pair)
1x Yellow Tang
1x Coral Beauty
1x Bicolor Dottyback
Invertebrates said:1x Fire Shrimp
3x Turbo Snails
3x Orange Turbo Snails
5x Dwarf Hermit Crabs
1x Emerald Crab
2x Fancy Nassarius Snails
1x Nassarius
Coral said:Zoanthids
Toadstool Leather
Green Hairy Mushroom
Red Gorgonian
Now before you start ranting about me overstocking it, especially with that Tang I know already. I almost have saved enough to buy a 180 (or bigger) fish tank in the fall where it will be moved to along with, possibly, the coral beauty (i want a peaceful tank with no aggressive inhabitants, I have only seen territorial tendencies in the Tang). Back to my concern. I have a BUNCH of algae growth on the wall. I change the water weekly (5 gallons) with Red Sea Pro Saltwater. I feed a pinch of pellets twice a day with a block of mysis shrimp 6x a week with brine 1 day. I also feed a strip of seaweed every other day. Other than that, I do nothing else. No supplements for the coral. No zooplankton or coepods (i have tried before with coepods though). I have a BUNCH of coralline algae (pink) everywhere. On the glass, on the rock, on the shells of both the hermit crab AND the snails (not nassarius). Sometimes I directly feed the hairy mushroom, alveopora and blastomussa. There is roughly 40-50 pounds of live rock in the tank. So any suggestions (other than removing the tang and coral beauty) to make my tank great ? It has been having a lot of algae for a while now, before adding any other fish but the tomato clowns. I just want my tank excellent, so what should I buy and add? I have noticed snails are naturally dying recently for no reason either. I have also acquired many hitchhikers including an outstanding amount tubeworms mostly with white shells and red "blooms", sponges, those tiny starfish, some snails, also I have something someone called a "ball anemone" and these wierd things too. Anyways PLEASE I want suggestions, criticism, and applause. If you want pics, I will supply. Thanks, oh and I also leave my lights on for....14 hours
The "ball anemone"
"Wierd things"
Front view of my tank with almost every inhabitant out
Now I sit back and hope to get plenty of feed back