Advice for my tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 1, 2014
Southern California
Nothing is wrong with my tank. My fish are doing great, I saved one from ich (was bullied), and the coral looks awesome. I want to make it optimum though. I want everything to thrive, not "do good". Not please do not haze me for this, but here is my tank;
28 gallon AquaEuroUsa Nano-Cube w/ internal filter including a AquaEuro Nano Protein Skimmer II
Fish said:
2x Tomato Clown (mated pair)
1x Yellow Tang
1x Coral Beauty
1x Bicolor Dottyback
Invertebrates said:
1x Fire Shrimp
3x Turbo Snails
3x Orange Turbo Snails
5x Dwarf Hermit Crabs
1x Emerald Crab
2x Fancy Nassarius Snails
1x Nassarius
Coral said:
Toadstool Leather
Green Hairy Mushroom
Red Gorgonian

:hide:Now before you start ranting about me overstocking it, especially with that Tang I know already. I almost have saved enough to buy a 180 (or bigger) fish tank in the fall where it will be moved to along with, possibly, the coral beauty (i want a peaceful tank with no aggressive inhabitants, I have only seen territorial tendencies in the Tang). Back to my concern. I have a BUNCH of algae growth on the wall. I change the water weekly (5 gallons) with Red Sea Pro Saltwater. I feed a pinch of pellets twice a day with a block of mysis shrimp 6x a week with brine 1 day. I also feed a strip of seaweed every other day. Other than that, I do nothing else. No supplements for the coral. No zooplankton or coepods (i have tried before with coepods though). I have a BUNCH of coralline algae (pink) everywhere. On the glass, on the rock, on the shells of both the hermit crab AND the snails (not nassarius). Sometimes I directly feed the hairy mushroom, alveopora and blastomussa. There is roughly 40-50 pounds of live rock in the tank. So any suggestions (other than removing the tang and coral beauty) to make my tank great :)? It has been having a lot of algae for a while now, before adding any other fish but the tomato clowns. I just want my tank excellent, so what should I buy and add? I have noticed snails are naturally dying recently for no reason either. I have also acquired many hitchhikers including an outstanding amount tubeworms mostly with white shells and red "blooms", sponges, those tiny starfish, some snails, also I have something someone called a "ball anemone" and these wierd things too. Anyways PLEASE I want suggestions, criticism, and applause. If you want pics, I will supply. Thanks, oh and I also leave my lights on for....14 hours :hide:
The "ball anemone"

"Wierd things"

Front view of my tank with almost every inhabitant out

Now I sit back and hope to get plenty of feed back :popcorn::thanks:
What are your phosphate levels? Secondly stop feed so much it sounds like that's your main problem. Every other day one cube of mysis is all they need for nutrition and that's still a decent quantity
Lights on for 14 hrs is too long. Cut it in half. Way too much feeding in your current situation . Good luck with it, your gonna need it :)
Lights should only be on about 8 hours aday. Also, I only feed every other day sometimes every 1st and 3rd day. I suggest you siphon out the algae while doing a water change
I am trying to bring myself to cut down the hours and feeding wise, i want till feed them several times a day they seen better since i did that, and if I'm overfeeding fine, but how do i cut down with still feeding them multiple times a day
Also i am worried for the coral beauty to nip at my coral if i cut down food
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Feeding fish several times a day is just way too much. Fight the urge to do it . Think about how they eat in the wild. Every so often at best. The fish in a 100 G at a friends workplace get feed twice a week and they are just fine. Your coral beauty will be fine (other then being in too small of a tank) he will nip at your rocks all day because that's what they do. He basically grazes constantly. Don't feed the mushroom either . It's not nessasary.
Your in an almost impossible situation as it is. Don't make it worse by compounding the mistakes you've already made.
I don't mean a lot. I mean like very little amounts several times a day. Just like two SMALL pinches of pellets everyday and then one day just a mysis cube. And ok i wont feed the mushroom. and the past "caution" angelfish i had ate all my zoas leaving the previous 20+ to 6. I will remove him with my tank, he was an impulse buy along with the tang. When they outgrow, I will either sell them away or put them in the new setup tank. (i plan to put 1 sailfin and 1 large angelfish [spotbreast angelfish] in there with them)
Pellets are high in phosphates. In your current situation I wouldn't use them. Mysis is one of the lowest in phosphates, stick with that. Brine is junk good for fish.
I don't mean a lot. I mean like very little amounts several times a day. Just like two SMALL pinches of pellets everyday and then one day just a mysis cube. And ok i wont feed the mushroom. and the past "caution" angelfish i had ate all my zoas leaving the previous 20+ to 6. I will remove him with my tank, he was an impulse buy along with the tang. When they outgrow, I will either sell them away or put them in the new setup tank. (i plan to put 1 sailfin and 1 large angelfish [spotbreast angelfish] in there with them)

People gave you good advice on this thread, don't feed you fish every day no need to. All your doing is adding nutrients to an already way overstocked system. The tang and angel are already to big and the maroons won't be far behind them. If you continue down this path you will end up killing everything in the tank
Ok then...what about any trace elements? Right now I am putting in none, is that ok? I have not manually added any zooplankton either for the filter feeders.
Ok thanks. I am looking into pricing for the tank. If it is on the cheaper end (3500 or lower) I could get it a lot sooner and get these fish happier a lot sooner. The clowns and dottyback however will stay.
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