Advice on pre drilled 90 gallon filtration please :)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 9, 2014
Hi, I am new here & need some advice please. I have owned several aquariums in the past and always run them with Eheim canister filters so therefore I know nothing about what I have just bought! I recently moved from Australia and bought a 60 gal to start with, I just purchased a 90 gallon pre drilled with what looks like the wet/dry and sump (which I know nothing about) the tank has 2 holes and an overflow in the back corner. My question is going to sound ridiculous to you all BUT.. can I somehow bypass those holes and just use my Eheim canisters? I am familiar with them and thought perhaps I could fill the tank and not use that overflow part???? Is the overflow part waterproof? I haven't attempted to fill it up yet! I know to this is extreme and a waste of probably a good pre drilled tank but I just want it how I am used to it as I don't even know if all the parts to the wet/dry is there. The person I bought it off didn't know much about the tank and I thought I could just fill the tank and not not use the hole end, thinking the overflow box will hold back the water if I don't fill it over the top?? lol. I can see you all laughing right now but is this going to work or will I have 90 gals of water racing through the house. I have had giant 5ft x 2ft x 2ft aquariums with no probems with the canisters.
Thanks in advance for any advice :)
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