Advice please re cycling my tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 26, 2017
I posted a few days ago re an ammonia of 8 in a 30litre (8 gallon) tank with one fantail goldfish. I tried to save Lola our fish but I could not get the water right and she died:( I have done some reading and it seems for my tank size I should really have White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
At the moment the tank only has one hardy snail. The ammonia is 4, nitrites .25 and nitrates 80. What should I do to get the water suitable for the Minnows?
Thank you
Australia! [emoji16]

Would you consider a male betta? Tank is fine on size and snail will help clean. Just need a small heater. I assume you have a filter.

How long has tank been running? Ph?

I'd just wait until ammonia and nitrites are 0, water change nitrates down on a massive water change and grab one.
Following on from advice re cycling my tank

Thanks for your help.

Yes I will have a look at a male Betta.

The tank has been running for 3 months and the pH sits between 6.6-7.0.
It does a filter, but no heater. I will get a heater.

I will do a big water change and then wait for the ammonia and nitrites to go to 0. In the three months I have had the tank I have found it difficult to get the ammonia to 0, it usually sat at .25. Perhaps that's because I had a gold fish in it.
Thanks again.
I have 6 Celestial Pearl Danios in a 30 liter tank with a few snails and plants. They are doing great.
Thanks for your help.

Yes I will have a look at a male Betta.

The tank has been running for 3 months and the pH sits between 6.6-7.0.
It does a filter, but no heater. I will get a heater.

I will do a big water change and then wait for the ammonia and nitrites to go to 0. In the three months I have had the tank I have found it difficult to get the ammonia to 0, it usually sat at .25. Perhaps that's because I had a gold fish in it.
Thanks again.

Yes, agree - tank should be cycled but sounds like filter was over-loaded.
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