Advice regarding additional fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 19, 2014
near Detroit, MI
I have a 36g Bowfront corner with one 5 1/2" male EBJD and one 5" Pleco. I am in the process of clearing a nine month algae bloom with a UV sterilizer after trying other methods which failed. (bloom due to water system phosphate levels combined with duo strip T5HO installed, yes, nine months ago) I do vacuum the gravel once a week along with a 25-40% water change, even when it was green. Now that I'm able to see inside the tank, yay!, I'm going to add some rock decor of some type. I was wondering if I have enough room for another fish or two and what size? Mr Dempsey has a normal aggressive personality, I believe. He did dispatch an EBJD female sibling a year ago that was small and very weak. :( Any advice would be appreciated, even if to tell me that I'm maxed out.
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure all the cichlid people will tell you the jd needs a minimum of 55gal just for himself..
Dempsey won't take it well. If you re home the Dempsey then you can add a few in

Nah, I can't rehome him. I've had him since he was 1". So he shall remain a loner. That's okay, maybe down the road I can get a larger tank. Everyone needs more than one.

Thank you.:fish2:
If you don't mind constant fights and adding caves could try jaguar cichlids but I don't recommend it. Hope u can ignite something out ! :) another tank helps ;) haha
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