Aeration for my tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 28, 2013
Clarkdale, Arizona
I have a 5 gallon tank with two fiddler crabs and an African Cichlid. The two crabs have a plant they climb to get to the surface for air, and I have a tetra whisper internal filter rated for 2-10 gallons. The filter doesn't seem to be providing enough agitation on the water's surface to aerate the water enough, so the Cichlid hangs out at the surface like he's gasping for air. How can I aerate the water more? Would an air pump help?
Well I don't know about the crabs but I'm guessing it shouldn't be with an African cichlid and I know an African would need a bigger tank. Sorry.
I have a 5 gallon tank with two fiddler crabs and an African Cichlid. The two crabs have a plant they climb to get to the surface for air, and I have a tetra whisper internal filter rated for 2-10 gallons. The filter doesn't seem to be providing enough agitation on the water's surface to aerate the water enough, so the Cichlid hangs out at the surface like he's gasping for air. How can I aerate the water more? Would an air pump help?

The cichlid is prob gasping for air due to poor water quality. There is no way any cichlid should be in a 5 gallon tank.
The cichlid is prob gasping for air due to poor water quality. There is no way any cichlid should be in a 5 gallon tank.

Big x2 on that, unless it's a dwarf but even then I wouldn't, I'd even second think a 10gal due to restricted swim space.
Well I don't know about the crabs but I'm guessing it shouldn't be with an African cichlid and I know an African would need a bigger tank. Sorry.

This tank is just temporary I am upgrading to a 29 gallon or larger as soon as possible.
This tank is just temporary I am upgrading to a 29 gallon or larger as soon as possible.

And to answer your original question yes an air stone would help alot, preferably a long "bar" style for the back of the tank, and if all else fails just a bubbler would work as well.
I have a 5 gallon tank with two fiddler crabs and an African Cichlid. The two crabs have a plant they climb to get to the surface for air, and I have a tetra whisper internal filter rated for 2-10 gallons. The filter doesn't seem to be providing enough agitation on the water's surface to aerate the water enough, so the Cichlid hangs out at the surface like he's gasping for air. How can I aerate the water more? Would an air pump help?
How long has the tank been set up?
The gasping could be caused by bad water quality. A large water change could help. Do you own a test kit?
Fiddlers require brackish water conditions and some land area.
And to answer your original question yes an air stone would help alot, preferably a long "bar" style for the back of the tank, and if all else fails just a bubbler would work as well.

I bought one of the long bar air stones and after just a little while the fish is back to normal staying in the middle region of the tank vs gasping at the surface. Thank you!
How long has the tank been set up?
The gasping could be caused by bad water quality. A large water change could help. Do you own a test kit?
Fiddlers require brackish water conditions and some land area.

The tank was just recently set up about a week ago and I've tested the water and the ph levels are where they should be. After putting in the air stone the fish has stopped gasping and is doing great! The water is not full brackish as I'm not sure how the Cichlid would do in full brackish but the tank has aquarium salt in it, and the crabs have plenty of space to be out of the water.
The tank was just recently set up about a week ago and I've tested the water and the ph levels are where they should be. After putting in the air stone the fish has stopped gasping and is doing great! The water is not full brackish as I'm not sure how the Cichlid would do in full brackish but the tank has aquarium salt in it, and the crabs have plenty of space to be out of the water.

What are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? If the tank is only one week old then it would be in the beginning stages of cycling. The ammonia will build to toxic levels if you are not careful. Brackish conditions can not be replicated with aquarium treatment salt. Marine salt (for salt water tanks) needs to be used. And you are correct, the cichlid will not tolerate it.
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