Aquarium Advice Regular
Ill make this as brief as i can. (Parameters will be at the bottom)
I had a ten gallon tank, me knowing nothing about fish stocked it with 3 comet goldfish. They did pretty well for a while and then all slowly died from ich. I decided i enjoyed having fish and wanted to do things right so i went to an aquarium and got advice. First i dried the tank and everything in it completely and let it sit for 48 hours. Then i set it up again, added anti ich, let it run for a day, and then purchased 3 long-fin leopard danios to start cycling the tank. After a few weeks of being bullied, one of them died. The other wasn’t looking so hot, so I brought him to the aquarium and asked them to save him, and purchased 2 more longfin leopard danios.
After a couple more weeks, i tested the water (idiot me hadn’t done so until now) at the aquarium and they said it looked cycled and i could stock it with more fish. I purchased 6 zebra danios. Did a 25% water change. Changed the filter cartridges.
Not long after, i purchased 2 guppies. A male and female, and used some of the water from my aquarium and one of the decorations to help get a new 7.5 gal tank cycling, along with daily Seachem Stability. (I honestly don’t know if that was okay to do). The female went into labor a few days later so i removed the male guppy and put him in my main display tank.
Around that time, i noticed one longfin leopard danio hovering over the gravel by the heater, fins clamped, barely swimming.
I called the aquarium and came in for a water test (i did my own with API masters kit) and the levels were horrendous. No one ever told me to vacuum the gravel.
So per the aquariums suggestion, i vacuumed and did a 30% water change. Added temp matched dechlorinated water. Added stability and a capful of Prime to detoxify (for both aquariums. Then repeated that the next day. Noticed two more leopard danios acting the same way. The original one seemed bloated, arched back, and loss of color. I went back to the aquarium. Did as they said: waited two days. 25% water change + prime +vac. I noticed the filter cartridges were nasty so i changed them again. I tried a salt dip for danio 1. Color came back, swam around for a little. Went back to being sick.
Nov 2nd danio 1 died. One of the 6 zebra danios is acting like the leopard danios.
My mama guppy in the other tank has been doing fine, but her water is pretty bad as well. I think there is too much substrate for the waste to collect in so I’m going to remove some substrate (unless that will mess up the bio filter?.) she had 7 fry about ten days ago and looks ready to pop (never stopped looking that way)
So i have a few questions here:
1) what is killing my danios? The water or something contagious
2) is it possible the tank never finished cycling?
3) did i disrupt the biofilter and start re-cycling the tank?
4) how do i know when my second tank is done cycling?
5) is my guppy holding in her fry OR is it just a weird fertilization and development rate of the fry and a new litter is coming?
Parameters and equipment:
Main tank-10gal, fluvon plant light, 10 gallon aqueon filter, 10gal air pump and stone, 10 gal heater, thermometer, wood decor, artificial bridge decor, faux and like plants, gravel substrate
(Nov 3rd- 25% water change since measurements taken)
-temp: 26°C
-Ph: 7.2
-Ammonia: .1ppm (going down)
-Nitrite: .25ppm (going down)
-Nitrate: ~7ppm (going down)
-6 zebra danios
-2 longfin leopard danios
-2 guppies
-Fed tropical fish flakes every other day, peas and baby brine shrimp once weekly
Guppy tank- 7.5gal, standard light, filter connected to tank, 10gal heater, artificial stone decor, rock decor, faux and live plants, gravel substrate.
-temp 27°C
-ph: 7.6
-Ammonia: 0ppm (oct 30th- .25ppm)
-Nitrite: need to test
-Nitrate: need to test
-1 female guppy
-aqueon tropical fish flakes daily (3 flakes)
- baby brine shrimp daily (whatever floats into the tank from the breeding box)
-a pea once or twice a week
I had a ten gallon tank, me knowing nothing about fish stocked it with 3 comet goldfish. They did pretty well for a while and then all slowly died from ich. I decided i enjoyed having fish and wanted to do things right so i went to an aquarium and got advice. First i dried the tank and everything in it completely and let it sit for 48 hours. Then i set it up again, added anti ich, let it run for a day, and then purchased 3 long-fin leopard danios to start cycling the tank. After a few weeks of being bullied, one of them died. The other wasn’t looking so hot, so I brought him to the aquarium and asked them to save him, and purchased 2 more longfin leopard danios.
After a couple more weeks, i tested the water (idiot me hadn’t done so until now) at the aquarium and they said it looked cycled and i could stock it with more fish. I purchased 6 zebra danios. Did a 25% water change. Changed the filter cartridges.
Not long after, i purchased 2 guppies. A male and female, and used some of the water from my aquarium and one of the decorations to help get a new 7.5 gal tank cycling, along with daily Seachem Stability. (I honestly don’t know if that was okay to do). The female went into labor a few days later so i removed the male guppy and put him in my main display tank.
Around that time, i noticed one longfin leopard danio hovering over the gravel by the heater, fins clamped, barely swimming.
I called the aquarium and came in for a water test (i did my own with API masters kit) and the levels were horrendous. No one ever told me to vacuum the gravel.
So per the aquariums suggestion, i vacuumed and did a 30% water change. Added temp matched dechlorinated water. Added stability and a capful of Prime to detoxify (for both aquariums. Then repeated that the next day. Noticed two more leopard danios acting the same way. The original one seemed bloated, arched back, and loss of color. I went back to the aquarium. Did as they said: waited two days. 25% water change + prime +vac. I noticed the filter cartridges were nasty so i changed them again. I tried a salt dip for danio 1. Color came back, swam around for a little. Went back to being sick.
Nov 2nd danio 1 died. One of the 6 zebra danios is acting like the leopard danios.
My mama guppy in the other tank has been doing fine, but her water is pretty bad as well. I think there is too much substrate for the waste to collect in so I’m going to remove some substrate (unless that will mess up the bio filter?.) she had 7 fry about ten days ago and looks ready to pop (never stopped looking that way)
So i have a few questions here:
1) what is killing my danios? The water or something contagious
2) is it possible the tank never finished cycling?
3) did i disrupt the biofilter and start re-cycling the tank?
4) how do i know when my second tank is done cycling?
5) is my guppy holding in her fry OR is it just a weird fertilization and development rate of the fry and a new litter is coming?
Parameters and equipment:
Main tank-10gal, fluvon plant light, 10 gallon aqueon filter, 10gal air pump and stone, 10 gal heater, thermometer, wood decor, artificial bridge decor, faux and like plants, gravel substrate
(Nov 3rd- 25% water change since measurements taken)
-temp: 26°C
-Ph: 7.2
-Ammonia: .1ppm (going down)
-Nitrite: .25ppm (going down)
-Nitrate: ~7ppm (going down)
-6 zebra danios
-2 longfin leopard danios
-2 guppies
-Fed tropical fish flakes every other day, peas and baby brine shrimp once weekly
Guppy tank- 7.5gal, standard light, filter connected to tank, 10gal heater, artificial stone decor, rock decor, faux and live plants, gravel substrate.
-temp 27°C
-ph: 7.6
-Ammonia: 0ppm (oct 30th- .25ppm)
-Nitrite: need to test
-Nitrate: need to test
-1 female guppy
-aqueon tropical fish flakes daily (3 flakes)
- baby brine shrimp daily (whatever floats into the tank from the breeding box)
-a pea once or twice a week