aggressive tetras with Electric Yellow Hap

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2004
I got 6 Red eye tetras with one yellow Electric Hap in a 20 gal tank.

The tetras are very aggressive during feeding time, when I am feeding Cichild pellets and flakes, the tetras will go very crazy on it.

instead the yellow hap was not aggressive at all, he didn't go chase the tetras away, instead he looks like he is scare of the frenzy feeding of the tetras. He is just on the side looking at the tetras eatting all the food and he is scare of going near to the tetras.

The Electric yellow hap is a little bigger than the tetras too, dont know why he is not aggressive enough when feeding.

Any ideas?
First of all, the other fish are not cichlids and therefore pose no reproductive competition, which is the very fuel to cichlid aggression. The hap is also by itself, not much bigger and out numbered. It's not impossible for African cichlids to exist with community fish peacably so long as...

>the community fish are not cichlids.
>the lesser aggressive community fish are introduced with or before them.
>the cichlid is kept from having a mate (in other not pair).

There is still the chance of the other fish getting nailed as the hap grows. Good luck :) eyed tetras do well at holding their own. They are one of the semi aggressive tetra species. Ever hear of Exodon tetras? They live side by side with They are the most aggressive tetra you can come across. They can't even live with each other in an aquarium. I got them a few times for the store and never Great looking fish, but my goodness...they're worse than cichlids.
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