Albany, NY taking down tank, MUST SEE

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 19, 2003
Albany, NY
We are shutting down our 46 gallon bow front and need to get rid of our live rock. We have 30# of live rock left that we'll sell for $80. We also have a ton of supplies that we need to get rid of. What we have forsale:

- Heater (titatnium 300 w)- $15
-30# live rock - $ 80
-Marine Land 220 canister filter - $75
-Large power head with red mushroom on it - $15
-Smaller power head - $10
-24" current usa T5/Metal Halide unit - $200 (one of the T5 actinics doesn't turn on- haven't tried switching bulbs)
-2 100 watt heaters - $15 for both
-A bunch of suppliments for $30 - Calcium, Alkalinity, Iodine, Activated Carbon, Superbuffer DKH, PhosX, Aquasafe, Algeafix (will only sell together)
-Test Kits $40 - Two new salt water test kits, calcium test kit, phosphate test kit, 2 alkalinity test kits (will only sell together)
-Fish food, Brown Algae, and Sea Veggies, Frozen Brine Shrimp, Zooplex - $10 for everything
- live sand and crushed coral $50 for all of it, about 3 inches on the 46 gallon
We'll throw in Pimafix and Melafix, aquarium glue, hydrometer, 2 blue leg hermit crabs, salt, and other various stuff we have left.
Just wondering what you had still available. I am interested in the powerheads, the 300w heater, supplies, food etc. I live in VT.
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