Algae control

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 25, 2004
Folkestone, UK
In my tropical now I have started with a 10 gal and it turns out that only gets the brown stuff. Do south american plecos eat that stuff, or should I get something that does before I fill it up. I dont want to crowd it.
Those are probably diatoms, and usually occur in a new tank. They will go away eventually, but if you are overrun, and your tank is not overstocked and cycled, you may want to put a couple of otos (otocinclus) in your tank.
I agree with Gunnie, brown algae is nothing but diatoms, which will occur in a new tank with a big bioload.
I recommend the otocinclus cat as well.

Would you know where to get otos? My LFS is rubbish and I don't know about Bybrook barn. I will have a visit. Thanx for the advice.
Ask your LFS if they can order you some. If you find some, check for round little bellies.
I have heard that if they have sunken bellies, they will probably not survive much longer because they have been starved to the point where the bacteria in their bellies used to digest their food is gone. Otos are delicate, and you may have problems keeping them alive in your tank at first. As a last resort, WalMart sometimes has them, but expect a high mortality rate. I had to go back 3 times before I got 2 otos that survived. But once you get healthy ones that survive, they are a joy to watch, and do their jobs very well!
Ask your LFS if they can order you some. If you find some, check for round little bellies.
I have heard that if they have sunken bellies, they will probably not survive much longer because they have been starved to the point where the bacteria in their bellies used to digest their food is gone. Otos are delicate, and you may have problems keeping them alive in your tank at first. As a last resort, WalMart sometimes has them, but expect a high mortality rate. I had to go back 3 times before I got 2 otos that survived. But once you get healthy ones that survive, they are a joy to watch, and do their jobs very well!
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