algae or moss?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2004
my tank used to grow brown algae, then it started getting green, and now its black, and in some areas looks like moss. otto only seems to eat the brown stuff, and since i got him qwhen it was green, he never ate the green stuff. what is this? and should i try to clean it... btw which is pretty hard.

i also have some brown algae looking stuff that its like in really short fuzy strands hanging off of a lot of stuff. anyone know what that is? it hangs off the glass too... thanks!!
Sound like hair algae. I've heard amanos will take care of it (don't know for sure)
I hope you don't have all of those fish in that 10gal.
Fig 8's are brackish. If you want him to be healthy and live a full life, move him.

ok, hair algae... i'll do some reasearch and see...

as for figure 8... i learned about his non freshwater ansestry after the guy at petco said hes fw... but then after a lot of reading and checking out the pet stores... it sounds like the chances are if i take him back he will besold back to another fw setup, and the people probably wont treat him as well as i do... although he is salt deprived.... i've been kinda hoping i'll be able to afford a bw tank soon, but for now i don't know what to do with him... :cry:
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