Algae outbreak

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 1, 2013
Michigan USA
The light in my refugium went out while I was busy with exam week which sadly went unnoticed by me. The problem is that in this time my various types of caulerpa went sexual and dumped a ton of nutrients into the tank. I first noticed something was wrong by the growth of a large amount of brown filamentous algae in the tank.

I rectified the situation quickly with a few largish water changes and replacing the light that died. Thankfully I was able to get my nitrates and phosphates back to where they usually are (0) within a couple days.

The problem is, that the algae is sticking around. I am assuming it is aiding in keeping my trates at 0. Along with siphoning out what I can and keeping nutrients low by reducing feedings, what would you guys suggest I do to hasten up the process? My corals, especially my finger leather, frogspawn, and duncan are kind of pissed about it. My acros and various montipora don't seem to care strangely.

I don't have a picture handy, but it look almost exactly like this so I am assuming Dinoflagellates


I really need to stop trying to keep caulerpa in my refugium... The two times I've had major issues with my tank has been caused by that particular macro algae. I think I am going to just stick with Chaeto from now on.
Well then.. That's an odd effect... Guess they really don't want me using this picture.

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