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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 21, 2012
What can I do to get rid of algae? Besides buying an algae eater? I have fry in the tank... So there is a pantyhose on the filter that may be part of the cause but u can't do anything about it. I took all the decor out of the tank... It was turning green. What is a safe way to clean it before I put it back in? Is there something else I need to put in the water? Does water changes prevent the growth of Algae?
It really depends on what kind of algae you have. But from the sounds of it, you just need to do more pwc, reduce light and reduce feeding.
Cornstar said:
It really depends on what kind of algae you have. But from the sounds of it, you just need to do more pwc, reduce light and reduce feeding.

From what I just researched I think your right. I rear where people are ok with the algae with fry because you can't clean it... But I can't do it. Water isn't green or anything I just see it growing on the sides and on the decor. I will do exactly what you suggested. Thanks!
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