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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 16, 2014
I just came back from a week long vacation and I had just put in some java moss right before I left and I came back and saw this clear/white stuff on the moss. It is only on the moss and nowhere else on the aquarium I was wondering if this is normal or if it is some kind of algae.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396707529.484692.jpg
It's really hard to see it in the picture... is it the large white area or something gel like growing around the moss? It's rare for mosses to get fungus and the moss looks healthy so were it me I would remove the moss and give it a 20 minute soak in a 1 to 4-5 part hydrogen peroxide 3%. If it can't be removed you can pull up 3ml of peroxide in a syringe to every 1 gallon of tank water. Turn off filters, slowly squirt the fungus, leave filters off 20 minutes. If it's any type of fungus/mold that should kill it off.
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