Allmost lost some fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2009
Friday morning woke up went to turn lights on tank and noticed one of my True perks was on the bottom and not looking good, I am just beside myself at that moment all I couuld say is OH NO my tank is 1 month or better old, I then noticed my brand new Canister filter is not running a Marine Land 220 or 260 forgot the number, so I then started a water change thinking high amonia but wanted to waste no time got water draining and checked amonia levels as I thought it was between .25 and .50 I went on with water change about 30%, Thank God I had new water ready brought levels to normal within hours fish was fine so 4 days have past and all is well.

I took filter back got a new one and it worked for 10 minutes and quit glad I had a emperor 280 as back up so after 2 returned filters I got my money back went to another store and bought what has worked for 8 years, Fluval 205 and a Fluval 305 so now I feel more secure on back ups.

The Fluvals I have on my FW tanks are a 204 and a 404 they have been running for 8 years and no problems of any kind trying a new brand did not work for me.
Couple of questions:

I guess you don't have any LR in the system? I have had my canister stop for 24+ hours before and no ill effects. Just turned it back on and all was fine (well no deaths or visible issues anyway).

How did a new filter alleviate the issue? As new, the media wasn't cycled so unless you used old media to shove in the new can I'm unclear how the new can could have helped the situation. Cycling that media would take awhile. So it seems your tank should have been right where it was when you found it.

Perhaps more than one thing happened and the can failure was a co-inky-dink to something else?

BTW: Fluvals are my favorites too.. using them fresh and salt

Either way, glad it all is working out
Well as you said if the tank was cycled and one filter quit it should have been okay, this is just my thought is that two things occured tank cycled and filter quit all at the same time, and yes I took the bio balls and the ceramics out of old filter and put in new one, what do you think ?
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