Alternative to the fishless cycle

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 17, 2004
Miami, FL
I've been doing a fishless cycle for a couple of days now with a dead shrimp. Current readings are 2ppm Ammonia, and 0.25ppm Nitrite, 0 nitrate. Unfortunately, the smell is horrendous. The other people in the house are complaining about it, as the tank is set in a pretty central location in my home.

Now I've been reading up on Bio Spira (from old threads on here), as well as the Marineland Lab's website, and the money isnt really an issue here. However, I did read that extra ammonia/nitrite in the aquarium could hamper the effectiveness of the bio-spira. So if I were to remove the shrimp and go ahead and use the Bio Spira, I would have to get rid of the Nitrite/Ammonia beforehand. Would using PRIME on the tank do this?

Also, on a seperate note. Im thinking of stocking my 29 gal with Bosemani Rainbowfish, Rummynose Tetras, and Cory Cats. As well as some invertebrates (FW shrimp and MTS). What would be some good numbers as to not overstock the tank, and which fish would be easiest to introduce first (including during the Bio Spira quick cycle). The tank currently has a sand substrate, plenty of fake vegetation and hiding spaces, as well as plenty of aeration and 2 HOB penguin 150b's, and a heater.
You could remove the shrimp, do a complete water change and dose with a little more bio-spira than what is called for (you cannot overdose with it). You may still have a mini cycle where you have to do pwc's for a few days. Other than that, it should be fine.
ok, I did a complete water change (was able to use the Python no spill gravel vac I bought yesterday, worked like a charm). Beats having to use buckets, lol. I put some PRIME in the water anyways to condition the tap water. Ill do a water test tommorow to make sure it's good to go.
nope not yet. The Bio Spira should get here before the end of the week, and I havent purchased the fish yet. I'll probably go fish shopping this weekend, then Ill add them with the Bio Spira at the same time.
Prime is not recommended to be used with bio spira because it eliminates or neutralizes the ammonia in such a way that the bio spira can't use it as a food source. At least until you have the 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and nitrates after using bio spira, I would use another water conditioner that only treats chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals as a plus. :wink:

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