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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 13, 2017
Hi, am NITIN from India. Since my childhood I thought of having an aquarium in my house.. it didn't happen then. Now I have my house so felt to fulfill my wish.
As a new bee, I bought a 6 gallon fish tank.. I got to know that it's very small. I was not properly aware of what breed are better for that size of tank and how many in number will be sufficient..
Tank consist of a air pump, a blue submersible light, two live plants 1) Amazon sword 2) green cabomba and 6 pairs of fishes.. 1) pair of white sailfin molly, 2) pair of marbled angel fish, 3) pair of tiger barb fish, 4) pair of shubunkin 5) two pairs of fantail gold fish 6)a pair of bristlenose plecos
I understood it's crowded..
A quarter tea spoon of the fish feed daily...
How many hours in a day I should put on the air pump and the light..??1510653037157.jpg

Any suggestions
First welcome to the forum.
Next sorry to say not one of those fish alone should be in such a small tank.
If your tank is not cycled you are about to run into a bunch of trouble with ammonia and nitrite spikes...
I would consider getting like a 100gallon tank if you want all those fish or re home them and get a pair or two of small fish that will fit and live comfortably in the tank.
The air pump should run FOREVER ! Never shut it off.
The light is up to your personal taste as the fish don't care and most prefer darker tanks.I would not run it over 10 hours myself.
@coralbandit now tell me what to do... I mean, I bought those and I don't think they will take it back.. I will make myself available to maintain it till the.....
I asked for guppies for that tank but the retailer sent those instead.. my bad..
Most think a 30g is minimum for 1 goldfish or a pair of angels...
You either have to get a bigger tank or wait for cycle to claim victims.
As for cycling you should immediately do some research on FISH IN cycling and start strechting out your bucket carrying arm...You are going to be changing IMO nearly 75-90% of your water anytime now ,daily and for a time probably no shorter then 3-4 weeks.
Get a API liquid test kit so you can check ammonia ,nitrite and nitrate. Read the directions carefully as shaking bottles and vials are very important steps.
I honestly can not even try to suggest which of the fish you have could possibly survive long even as solo pair in your tank..
IMO angels and tiger barbs in a community tank[30g ++] are 2 of the biggest mistakes a common fish keeper makes..
So... I never heard anything about a filter.... and from the picture I don't see any evidence of one. My suggestion is when you take breaks from changing the water (and of course treat the new water you put in) you need to do a lot of reading.

Guide to Starting a Freshwater Aquarium - Aquarium Advice
I'd start with that^^ then read up on how to care for each one of the fish you have and figure out how to return/trade/give away most of them. Also since you are way overstocked I would only feed them every 2-3 days to keep the bioload down.

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