Am I smoking my java moss?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 18, 2008
Rockford, MI
I have seen pics of java moss that is nice and bright green. Mine not so much, very dark green, except for what looks like new growth, near the tips. Water temp is about 76 and lighting is around 48 watts in a 10 gallon. Too much light for this stuff?
How long have you had it in the tank ? Mine took a couple of months before it really started to look bright green and healthy. It also helps to spread it out some... If it is in a ball much of it is not getting light. High flow seems to help too.
IDK...couple weeks? Its pretty spread out...right under a 20watt cfl. Seems to wave around, so that says its getting some current.
Yeah you ought to be good. Like I said mine took weeks before it adjusted. Now it is very green and grows well. Right After I put it in it was dark greenish brown and did not grow much at all.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it, its odd that the tips are the green Im used to seeing but thats it.
I have had java moss for several years. Under my old lighting, about 2WPG, my java looked very green. Now, under 6 WPG, it has darkened up except for the growing tips.

I have to assume that its the plant adjusting to the increase in lighting. Mine is growing and healthy, but darker green.
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