For Sale: Amano Shrimp Golden,CPD, PYGMY CORY, Hillstream loach + more!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 25, 2011
So Cal.
ok I have a bunch of critters available right now.

Golden Bee 5 for $20 Limited
Snowball 5 for $10 limited
Amano Shrimp 5 for $15 Lots available


Pygmy Cories 5 for $20
CPD (Celestial Pearl Danio) 5 for $17.50 lots available
Panda Cories 5 for $17.50 limited
Sterbai Cories 5 for $20
Jullii Cories 5 for $20
Reticulated Hillstream Loach $12
Chinese Hillstream Loach $10
Rainbow Goby $5
Scarlet Badis $5.50
Threadfin Rainbows 5 for $17.50

Shipping is a Flat $10 no matter how much you combine.
PM me with any questions
For you shrimp Lovers don't forget your Alder Cones 50 for $5

Some example pics





Golden Bee


Panda Cory

Sterbai Cory

Jullii Cories

Pygmy Cories

Reticulated Hillstream Loach

Chinese Hillstream Loach

Rainbow Goby

Scarlet Badis

Threadfin Rainbows

DRIP SYSTEM 1/2 Gallon per hour $6

I will be seeing if you can put together an order for my mom.

I was just thinking about you yesterday and that I hadn't seen your sales thread for awhile. :)
I will be seeing if you can put together an order for my mom.

I was just thinking about you yesterday and that I hadn't seen your sales thread for awhile. :)

Hey :) Yeah I've been fairly busy so have not been on any forums much. Let me know what I can help with.
Omg I want to that reticulated hillstream loach. You think it will do good with a male betta?
I am still interested in CPD as well as the threadfin but when I have corresponded with you in the past you just stop responding.
I am still interested in CPD as well as the threadfin but when I have corresponded with you in the past you just stop responding.
I'm sorry I must of missed your last response. I do my best to respond timely. I still have lots of CPD and a few threadfins left
Is it possible to specify gender on the Threadfins? I have a school of 9 already in my 75 gallon tank, but my LFS guessed wrong on their genders... So now that they're all grown I can tell I have 7 males to my poor 2 females and would really like a batch of females to even them out ;)

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the reticulated hillstream loach is mighty tempting too... Would a 20g long running with a 90g HOB filter, a bubble wall, and two 10g tanks plumbed in as refugiums/plant grow out tanks be enough oxygenation to meet it's needs? I already have a blue neon goby in there who's been doing fine for 6 months, and I believe they have similar requirements...
Is it possible to specify gender on the Threadfins? I have a school of 9 already in my 75 gallon tank, but my LFS guessed wrong on their genders... So now that they're all grown I can tell I have 7 males to my poor 2 females and would really like a batch of females to even them out ;)

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the reticulated hillstream loach is mighty tempting too... Would a 20g long running with a 90g HOB filter, a bubble wall, and two 10g tanks plumbed in as refugiums/plant grow out tanks be enough oxygenation to meet it's needs? I already have a blue neon goby in there who's been doing fine for 6 months, and I believe they have similar requirements...
Sorry I can't tell sex 100% to say they would be female. The hillsteams do fine in a normal planted tank so they should do well. I have 2 in a 15g and they are fine
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