Amazon swords

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 23, 2011
Virginia Beach
I have a little 5 gallon with a 25 watt bulb is that enough light for the amazon swords? They're not doing so hot right now.
The light may not be enough ... however, Amazon Sword are also heavy root feeders and may be the reason why yours are not doing so well. Are you adding any ferts to the substrate? I use Seachem Root tabs ($8)... just push it into the substrate next to the sword. One tab lasts about

My lighting qualifies as low in my tank and my swords are just hanging in there ... not dying but not growing either ... the root tabs ... IMO ...helps.
I don't know a lot about lighting for plants....just a little I have read. From what I have seen there are three requirements for your lights.
1. Watts per gallon (about 2-3 watts/gal) so it looks like you meet that one.
2. Enough intensity in your lights. Not sure how to judge or measure this one, I just have read that you can't have a bunch of low intensity lights adding up to the correct wattage and have it work. I think this one is measured in lumens.
3. the light color/spectrum output of your light. Your light has to put out a broad range of the light spectrum or use several different pigments to create its light for your plants to use it.

Please some one with more knowledge correct me if I am wrong.

The next question is: what kind of bulb is it? Incandescent, florescent tube, CFL, etc.
Any extra info you give us on the bulb will help.

I am currently using a 14 watt CFL on my 2.5 gal betta tank and my wisteria and anacharis are growing really well. Some of it grows 1/4 inch in a day. My amazon swords are doing okay with it. Hope this helps.
That helps. I use liquid fert. Flourish excel and a liquid Co2 boost. Works good for the other plants. Im not sure what type of light it is but i know i need a new light my anachris is iffy on growth, my ambulia grows just fine and my anubias are growing quite well.
The WPG rule doesn't really work with most tanks anymore, since it's based on t12/t8 output. 54w of T8 versus 54w of T5ho is not even in the same ballpark.

The first concern I would have is whether the light has the right spectrum to grow plants to begin with.
The WPG rule doesn't really work with most tanks anymore, since it's based on t12/t8 output. 54w of T8 versus 54w of T5ho is not even in the same ballpark.

The first concern I would have is whether the light has the right spectrum to grow plants to begin with.

Good point +1

jetajockey did you get some pygmy sunfish?
I just have to say my swords were not doing well at all till i made my co2 now there just flourishing!
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