Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 21, 2009
I think I have finally cycled my tank. My Ammonia is near 0 (0 to 0.25) Nitrite is also near 0 (0 to 0.25) and my Nitrate is 10. Would you say that this tank is cycled? Keep in mind I have been adding ammonia every day to every other day and every time I check it again it drops quickly to zero. My nitrate is 10 and stays there though. Is this OK. Thanks.
It sounds as if it's probably cycled. What concentration of ammonia have you been adding to?
I have a 26 Gallon Bowfront and I have been adding 1.5 to 2 ml every other day. I thought this might be to much but It seems to drop quickly so I keep adding the same amount.
Did you test shortly after adding to check what PPM you went to? That will give a good starting point for the bioload you'll be ready for.
No I actually haven't. I've added ammonia about 20 minutes ago and have just done another test. Have to wait 5 minutes.
Cool. You should be ready to start stocking lightly and gradually.
Thanks for the input. Do you think it would be wise to double the ammonia dose just to see how quickly it comes down? Just an experiment thought.
You could do that. It would give you a good idea of how well cycled it is and if you go to 2 PPM (or higher, but not over 5PPM), you can stock more heavily off the bat.
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