Angel Fish Dying

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Kari Anne

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 18, 2021
Earlier this week I had 4 angel fish in my a 55 gallon tank and three of them have passed over the past 4 days.

out of the whole tank they were the only fish not eating over the past two weeks. There were no physical signs of illness, just lack of appetite. I did notice that right before one would die they seemed to be struggling to breathe. I also noticed with my blue angels that their coloring become rather opaque, and almost had a brownish/yellowish hue. As of today I see little white specs on the inside aquarium glass and I'm thinking that may be a sign of what may be causing this issue.

my other fish (4 tetras, bichir and pleco) have been eating but have seemed rather lethargic, and I am afraid I'm going to lose them too!

All my parameters are right where they are supposed to be. I don't know what to do and would love some advice if anyone has an idea what may be going on to cause this mess! Thanks :)
From your other post i noticed that your nitrate was a little high. Not enough to cause deaths, but it could be a sign of not doing enough water changes.

What is your water change schedule?

How long have you had the tank and fish in question?

Could be parasites. Maybe something to do with the white specks. Are these specks moving? Any more details you can give on these?

Possibly a lack of oxygen. Do you have plenty of surface agitation from either your filter input or a bubbler?
Thanks for the tips. I do water changes monthly, and I have a filter and two air-stones so I think there is plenty of O2.

The specs aren't moving no. they are very very small and seem to only be on the inside of the glass. I don't see any floating in the water.

I've had the tank for three years and all my angels for the same.
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