Angel fish in 30 gal?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 19, 2005
Roseville, CA
I finally got my koi out the tank and into the pond, now i have nothing in there. So I was planning to go with angel fish, but I'm not sure if 30 gal is big enough for them. Also what other fish should i put in there with them.
I have 2 angels in my 29 gal, and they are find, lots of room to swim around.
When they get full grown, 6", I'll move them to yet another tank. :lol:
I concur that two angelfish will be fine in a tank that size. Jchillin made a couple of good recommendations regarding tetras and a bristlenose pleco. Don't get any small tetras like neons as the angelfish regard them as food. I would also suggest some cories or a few otocinclus. Those are what I have in my tank.
angels would be a good choice for that size tank, like Jchillin said some med sized tetras and if you want some color you can try maybe a dwarf gourami.. :lol: i love gouramis and try them with any combination thats compatible..
one of my friends even have a 55 with 8 angels and a school of tiger barbs.. he got the barbs when they were fry from another friends though..
Gouramis may not do well with angels, from what I understand. I think some people have success with it, but for others that setup is trouble.

If you are interested in other recommendations for tankmates, I really like tetras with angels. Glowlight, cardinal (they grow larger than neons), rummy nose, pristella (gold or regular), green fire, lemon, serpae, flame... there are tons of options for you. I also like the idea of a BN pleco, they are great tank cleaners and very unique looking. Clown plecos and rubberlip plecos also stay small, although clowns aren't known for eating much algae. If you choose a pleco, make sure to buy it some driftwood so it can rasp. :D You do need to get some fish or other source of ammonia in there soon so your bio filter does not die.
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