Angelfish death

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2013
Hello I'm trying to find some causes of two angelfish deaths. I have a 35 gallon hexagon tank running and it has been for over a year now. I had three Angels in it and they have been in there since the tank was set up. I woke up to one dead and then my bigger one (which I had for years now) was acting strange. He wasn't eating and couldn't swim correctly. I have one angelfish left and so far he or she has been just sitting at the bottom of the tank. I have three Von rip tetras in with them also. I had added a small peacock cichlid a week ago (got him as a gift) and he died withing a few days with no signs of sickness. Any ideas would be great
I do weekly water changes about 30-40%. My levels were all good below anything harmful
Hmm, with a new addition and deaths following im thinking its probably some sort of disease or parasite since you say your parameters are good. But it's really hard to say, I'm sorry for your losses, hope someone can help you out
That's what I was thinking too thanks
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