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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 26, 2011
So I just got a gold viel angel and I was wondering if my light might be too bright for him. I am guessing that is because I have had my light on all day and he hid in the corner I turned my light off maybe a hour ago and he is swimming around the whole tank and seems to be loving life now. So my question is can you recommend a light for me?

Here is my tank: AqAdvisor - Annie
What kind of lighting do you have?

If he is new to the tank, he was probably just hiding out till he felt safer.

Are there tankmates? What size is the tank?
the light is whatever came with the tank. The tank is a aqueon 29 gallon. If you click the link you can see everything. I also have 2 leopard danios in there.

p.s just tested the water and everything is perfect!
I doubt it's the light bothering it, it could just be a nervous fish
and is hiding because it feels safer. how long has it been in your

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