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davy 1983

Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 7, 2012
hampshire, england
whats the best way to mellow my tank, its a 51gallon an have 4 angelfish an also rainbowfish, dwarf gouramis, honey gouramis, neon tetras, bristlenose. the problem is my angelfish well the two that are paired an his other female friend keep laying eggs, somtimes they eat them but this time they have keep them an now there rigglers, i dont have the resorses like another tank to put the rigglers in, iv read that in a comunity tank that the rigglers will most proberly get eaten, its just the rest of my fish are getting bullied alot by the two angels an i want to do my water change an clean my substraight an make my tank peaceful again, is it best to remove the next load of eggs that they lay, il feel bad but i think its best for the comunity, is this a commom practice or is there a better way?
Your best plan would probably be to remove the male or the bonded pair all together...maybe someone else will chime in with something different though
I have a mated pair of angelfish in a community tank also that have laid multiple batches of eggs over the last year and raised the fry in the tank. The angelfish will be very protective of the fry when they are small, but less so as the fry mature. A possible plan for you would be to divide the tank by placing some eye blocking objects in the middle of the tank. That allows the other fish to have an area to hang out in and the angelfish pair will defend a smaller section of the tank.
my tank does have quite alot of plants an places for my other fish to go to, im just thinking if the fry are going to be eaten an iv got no way of moveing them to different tank, i could just remove the eggs altogther, would be easier than me deviding my tank or taking out my favourite fish
The mated pair will protect the eggs from everything and will kill off anything else in the tank. Remove the mates pair or keep them and sell the babies. But someone has to go only option :(
well they've never killed anything yet an dout that they will either all the other fish are alot faster and they not aggressive enough to the point of killing as of yet, i think its wrong to think that every person who keeps angelfish in a communtiy tank has to keep eggs, or bring them up in a smaller tank, anyway as we speak my tank is back to normal as the parents have eaten the wriggles, think it would of saved alot of hassle if id have just taken the eggs out.
Davy, if the fish are causing an issue, I suggest just removing the eggs in the future. You can split up the pair, but you may just end up with a different pair forming. If it is causing harm to other fish, then you need to consider rehoming. If you just disperse the eggs off of whatever they were laid on, other fish will eat them all and the pair will chill out.
great thanks, yeah they've never harmed another fish just chase them away, il do this next time they lay thank you for the tip : )
Also, keep in mind that 4 angels might be a bit much for your tank. If they work it out and all get along, thats great, but if the violence escalates then you can also try removing the unpaired angels.
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