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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 29, 2015
So my angelfish are asholes. I have 3 in my 75 gallon along with an (1)African Leaf Fish. We are slowly adding fish to stock the tank. But the angels attacked the leaf fish, who mostly hides BTW. I moved him to a smaller tank but my question is this: are they not compatible? Aquaadvisor said I was good to go. Please help.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
Language please, this is a community forum, thank you.

As for the Angels, are they adults?

Leaf fish are nocturnal predators, hiding is not something outside their character. I've read they will sometimes lay on their side on the bottom of the tank, to act like a leaf as their name suggests. They need plenty of hiding places to feel safe.

Caleb, thank you for the quick reply. I can and will speak like an adult. Thank you. No, they are not adults. I tried to add a picture it looks like it didn't go through. He has a bite mark on his side. He does have hiding places. I am aware that he hides more often than not. I mentioned it to say that he doesn't duck with them and they attacked him. So since you never got around to the question I will ask again: are they compatible?

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
My answer would be no based on the leaf fish being African and the angels south American. Can it work? Maybe with heavy planting and décor.
Thank you Mike. I may need to add more deco then.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
Roger that.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
Also, adding angelfish first was a mistake. They are territorial, so they will claim the whole tank if you let them. You have to add them last so that they will have the expectation of other fish around and not claim as much territory.
See that's good info I didn't have. The angels were added like 3 days before the leaf fish. The next set of fish will be added towards the end of this month. Should I add them sooner?

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
See that's good info I didn't have. The angels were added like 3 days before the leaf fish. The next set of fish will be added towards the end of this month. Should I add them sooner?

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.

I would swap the angelfish and the leaffish. Keep the angelfish in the smaller tank until you have added all of the other fish, and rearrange the decoration too so that when you reintroduce the angelfish they don't recognize their old territories.

This isn't angelfish information; this is "cichlids 101"
Roger that. I was just talking to my girlfriend and said that exact same thing. Move them out and put the rest in first.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
5 turquoise rainbowfish, 5 denison barbs, 6 snakeskin barbs.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
Thanks. I did NOT know they were endangered.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
Caleb, thank you for the quick reply. I can and will speak like an adult. Thank you. No, they are not adults. I tried to add a picture it looks like it didn't go through. He has a bite mark on his side. He does have hiding places. I am aware that he hides more often than not. I mentioned it to say that he doesn't duck with them and they attacked him. So since you never got around to the question I will ask again: are they compatible?

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.

Honestly, that's not talking like an "adult" and is unwarranted in this forum. There are many younger members and cursing, even if removing the letter to avoid the censor, is not tolerated. Please be mindful of others.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
The younger members hear far worse playing GTA and watching TV. Get over it.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.
The younger members hear far worse playing GTA and watching TV. Get over it.

Nothing in reality makes sense except in the light of magic.

It's community guidelines. I'd hate to see a fish keeper banned solely for wanting to use crude language. We try to maintain a higher standard than the people of GTA(they are pretty rude coming from a GTA player)

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