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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 2, 2017
So since yesterday one of my 3 angel fish has been acting weird. All of yesterday it was just opening and closing it's mouth around the tank and hovering at the top. For a while it just stared into a corner near one of the filters. Everyone else is acting fine, did a 40% wc just to try to help but my parameters should be fine I tested last Sunday and they were pH 7.0-7.2 which is a lil high for angels and I have driftwood coming for them rn, ammonia and nitrite 0, nitrate around 20. Tank mates are 4 Cory's and zebra danios, never had any problems with them nipping at the angels. He also won't eat, thanks for any help!

Just going by the listed symptoms, IMO YOUR Angel likely has some type of intestinal bacterial infection. By the time the fish stops eating and gasping for oxygen it's usually too late to save it. If you have a hospital tank might try medicating the Angel with antibiotics, but it's probably best to euthanize. It's important now to keep your tank exceptionally clean over the next week or two as to give the tankmates every advantage to avoid the infection.
Note: recently went through the same situation with a new shipment of juvenile Texas Cichlids. I lost 3 out of 5. No outward symptoms. Just stopped eating, gasping at the surface, dead the next day. Likely Columnaris. I upped the WC's that week, didn't lose anymore. No other tankmates got sick.
Just going by the listed symptoms, IMO YOUR Angel likely has some type of intestinal bacterial infection. By the time the fish stops eating and gasping for oxygen it's usually too late to save it. If you have a hospital tank might try medicating the Angel with antibiotics, but it's probably best to euthanize. It's important now to keep your tank exceptionally clean over the next week or two as to give the tankmates every advantage to avoid the infection.
Note: recently went through the same situation with a new shipment of juvenile Texas Cichlids. I lost 3 out of 5. No outward symptoms. Just stopped eating, gasping at the surface, dead the next day. Likely Columnaris. I upped the WC's that week, didn't lose anymore. No other tankmates got sick.
It would appear internal damage has been done as the fish appears out of control of swim function and the eyes look a little swollen to me?
Keep the temp down around 72-75 also to help fight off bacteria..
Ok great thank you guys!! For my medications right now all I have is melafix and salt, would those be beneficial? I have enough extra tanks I have no problem with setting up a hospital haha :)
A separate tank with salt won't hurt.It really is usually too late by the time the symptoms of internal issues are noticeable though as mentioned..
Bacterial infections usually need antibiotics to be 'cured'.
You need to know if infection is gram negative or positive to know which to use.
I just posted this on sensitivity testing ;
This should help ID issue possibly;
Bacterial Diseases of Fish - Exotic and Laboratory Animals - Merck Veterinary Manual
Update: came home from church and found him dead, but in that same position. I swear I saw his gills move this morning so unfortunately the little guy didn't make it :( only displayed signs of anything yesterday so I couldn't help him sooner
Yeah and his eyes do look weird, should I add salt to the tank just as a preventative measure? Will be doing daily wc for the next week just to help
Someone may say whether to use salt out loud besides me..
I don't use salt at all in any tank of mine besides my marine..
I either euthanize, treat with real meds [no salt and none of the "fixes" ] ,or I just hope stepping up my water changes will solve the issue.
Someone may say whether to use salt out loud besides me..
I don't use salt at all in any tank of mine besides my marine..
I either euthanize, treat with real meds [no salt and none of the "fixes" ] ,or I just hope stepping up my water changes will solve the issue.

Agree with CB on the"fixes" waste of money .
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