Another stocking question.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2009
The two clowns I have in my 75G are doing great. Now I want to consider other additions. How's this sound? Three cardinals, a firefish, royal gramma, algae blenny, some sort of angel OR a tang OR a butterfly fish of some kind, and 2 blue chromis. I want to add some inverts, but that will be after I get the tank totally settled. (Probably a coral banded shrimp, starfish, some hermits, and feather dusters)
Angels typically go after coral, so they are out if you still want to get coral. Butterfly fish are delicate like no other so...maybe when you get a stable tank and get a hang of everything. Royal gramma may/will get aggressive. Maybe a kole tang? Get 2 firefish or you will most likely not see the one.


5 pj cardinals
5 chromis
1 kole tang
2 firefish

more possibilities....wrasses, anthias, gobies, and chalk bass.
Angels typically go after coral, so they are out if you still want to get coral. Butterfly fish are delicate like no other so...maybe when you get a stable tank and get a hang of everything. Royal gramma may/will get aggressive. Maybe a kole tang? Get 2 firefish or you will most likely not see the one.


5 pj cardinals
5 chromis
1 kole tang
2 firefish

more possibilities....wrasses, anthias, gobies, and chalk bass.

Hm. Sounds good to me! So I could get a wrasse and a goby on top of that?
Yup. I would find some wrasses and gobies that you like and post them on here that way you know whether there will be any problems with them although most are peaceful.
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