Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 12, 2024
Grand Rapids
The pics are kinda bad. Just noticed it today while changing my water. My daughter noticed she had some in her tank at her dad’s house this past weekend. I confirmed it last night and then found my own. I’ll be doing my best to remove all mine when we get into the moving process next month. She on the other hand wants to keep the ones in her tank so it would be really helpful if anybody knows what kind of snails these are.

We both got the same plants recently from the fish store I found in grandville. They had to of come from those plants 🤦‍♀️


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So I’m trying something I found on Google. Please give me the feedback I need 😂 I went and bought a head of lettuce and put a couple pieces in my tank. From what I read the snails should attach themselves to it and I can remove them but I’m wondering why they’d favor lettuce over my live plants?
I am also considering after the move, if I can’t get these snails out of my life, Getting some assassins snails. I would love to know anything and everything. Anyone is willing to tell me about these. it really seems like a good option as much as I add new plants and mess stuff up 😂
I truly do not believe everything. I read on Google, but that’s why I come to this forum.
The pics are kinda bad. Just noticed it today while changing my water. My daughter noticed she had some in her tank at her dad’s house this past weekend. I confirmed it last night and then found my own. I’ll be doing my best to remove all mine when we get into the moving process next month. She on the other hand wants to keep the ones in her tank so it would be really helpful if anybody knows what kind of snails these are.

We both got the same plants recently from the fish store I found in grandville. They had to of come from those plants 🤦‍♀️
The photos arent good enough to make a good diagnosis, but the antennas look more like bladder snail than pond snail. Pond snail antennas look more like yoda ears, whereas bladder snail antennas look more long and spindly.
Thank you Aiken. I am keeping my eyes peeled for them at this point. I really want to get some good pictures for you guys.
Well they can’t stay here 😂 I’m on top of it. I don’t even care what happens at this point I’m really upset about contracting these snails. I feel so violated 🤣


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The ones in the bag are ones I just bought they’re supposed to be assasin snails 😂 sorry I should’ve specified there
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