Any super low light plants?

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Ok so how much light bulbs would needed for a 29 gallon aquarium

PS I live in Canada prices here are somewhat different
but what about cryptocoryne wendtii on the website it says that it is a low-high plant, it looks good but could it grow in the "lil' ugly" (my 20 gallon long)? How about Ammania Gracilis or Cardimine Lyrata or Brazilian Pennywort?

Regarding the crypt wendtii, I have had it growing in two 20g long tanks with different conditions and different results. One tank has a Finnex fugeray LED, Seachem ferts, substrate ferts, DIY CO2: the crypts grew pretty large, sent out runners, however, there was quite a diversity in leaf size and coloration. I ended up removing all but one or two smaller specimens.
In contrast, the other tank has a dual t5 NO, substrate ferts, no water column ferts or CO2: the crypts grew much slower, however, they did not get too large, their coloration was consistent, and they sent out runners as well.

I do have a few crypts under the CFL lights in another tank and they are growing slowly but are quite petite yet colorful.

Hope this helps.

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