Anybody else's fish in solitary confinement?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 21, 2002
Greencastle, PA
I set up a tank for my most violent cichlid, he's the only one in the 10 gallon tank. My cichlid seems bored and constantly moves the substrate around in the tank. He is curious of every little thing outside the tank. He'll even threaten my cat when she's sitting in front of my tank!(shaking and charging my cat--nobody ever said fish were smart! :lol: )

I'm just curious if anyone else has a tank set up for only one fish, and if they notice anything weird about their fish as a result.
The one time I separated out a nasty cichlid, he ended up hiding :roll: Then when we gave him away to the school, he took over a tank with two oscars.
Usually I only separate my cichlids if they are brooding and then they end up hiding anyway.
I had to seperate a socolofi this weekend. I put him into a 10 gal that has about an inch and a half of argonite in it (eventually to be a SW tank). I dropped in a couple of pieces of terrain. By morning he had dug down to the glass and piled up all the sand along the front of the tank.

I did some rearranging to the main tank and moved him back in...

Crazy fish.
Not solitary confinement, but I did have to separate my male and female mollies recently -- too many fry!!!

Now the males spend the whole day chasing after each other. It looks violent the way they're "playing", but I see no fin or any other kind of damage. Is this normal behavior?
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