Anyone think i could add another fish or two?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2013
I have a 29 gallon lightly planted tank with this stock:
1x leopoldi angel
9x rummynose tetras
2x bumbleebee catfish
1x spotted Raphael catfish
1x gold tiger pleco or l002

Filtration is via an aqua clear 50 and fluval c3. Anyone have any more recommendations, I want to keep it S.A. If possible lol
Well because the pleco maxes out at 5 inches they add a lot of bioload. Then the Raphael catfish maxes out at 5 inches to. Then you have the angel which maxes out at 6 inches. So I'm saying all your fish max out at a decent size.
Yeah I didn't mean to offend if I did. All my tanks are a little overstocked to so were all in the same boat!
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