Planning for new tank

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Jarred Darque

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 24, 2006
ok, I am starting to plan out my next tank for when I move in two months.

what I want. to keep all the fish in my 29 gallon in there, mainly a bottom feeder tank

my 29 gallon has, all living in great harmony. 6 cories, 2 angels, 1 striped raphael, 1 spotted raphael, 2 african butterfly fish, 2 apple snails...alot of MTSs and pond snails

I am planning either a common 75 gallon 4x2x1.5 I think or something like that, or a custom sized tank close in size, 4Lx3Wx1.1H

I may or maynot keep the angels If I get the 75, I will, if I go with the custom, not likely...just dont want to keep that tall of a fish in a short tank.

Now then, I am adding a gold nugget pleco next week. am also adding more driftwood The tank is kept under black water conditions, and I plan to continue that if I keep the angels.

Before anyone says my tank is overstocked the only fish even over 1/2 grown is the striped raphael, almost full grown, andt eh butterflys are almost near 1/2 grown. the spotted is a little over an inch, 1 angel alittle over an inch, the other about 1/2 inch, the cory's around 1 inch each, and the apples are golfball size, not yet near softballsize

so, what all catfish can be added? I am thinking about getting nother bichir as well, in which case the cories will go in the actual South American tank (this one basically is right now exceptthe butterflys and snails)

ok now tank quistions

filtration, should I go with power filters, or get a sump, or just canisters? what type of flow rate 5gph per gallon of water, or 10?

heating how many watts per gallon? and should I use multiple heaters?

I dont do live plants in this tank, so lighitng isnt much of a concern, wil lbe doinga custom hood, so doinga lot or alittle isnt a problem

how much gravel, what type would be best for the catfish and otehr bottom dwellers.. rightnow it is black medium sized gravel

for deco, I have mostly driftwood a few fake plants, and a half of a 8 inch clay pot laid on its side fora cave...taht is not in use..... I pln on keeping the same idea with the new tank, maybe with some plants that go all teh way to the top for the ABFs

just lookin for suggestions, thanks. :)
Good questions Jarrod. It's very important to consider the substrate for bottom dwellers or fish that like to dig. Any gravel around 2cms, and with no sharp edges (such as glass), is ideal. The depth of the gravel bed is up to you. I like to have at least 3 inches.

Heaters. 5 wpg in total is the rule. For a tank that size I would suggest 2 heaters. The thermostats aren't over taxed and it gives you a level of protection in case one malfunctions.

Filters. Again, there are alot of options. I would combine a large cannister with a good HOB. Say a Fluval 404 and a Penguin 330. It doesn't sound like you're planning a large bioload so I wouldn't do a sump.

As far as catfish go, you have lots of options. The gold nugget should do fine. You have so many options in a tank like that. Good choice.
I would agree with Brian on the filters, a cannister and HOB is a great option. The gold nugget will be fine but keep in mind they aren't fond of other plecos and definately not another gold nugget. I have one and almost never see the little bugger but they are beautiful.
I also use two heaters on most of my tanks that are 4' long or longer, it helps to distribute the heat and if one breaks down you are safe.
I am a fan of sand substrate. I have converted all my tanks to sand. Pool filter sand is cheap and looks quite natural. I think I've taken all of Brian's advice to heart before because I also prefer at least 3".
Decorations are unlimited to your imagination IMO. You could consider some live plants, and floating plants as well as your driftwood.
would tahitian moon sand be ok? I have a tank with normal sand, so I want something differant, and Iwould like to keep a dark substrate the goldnugget will be the only pleco, unless I have to place the bristlenose I plan on getting in tehre while my rams breed. dont know for sure...I will also have an extra tank though, sowho knows.
I am sure I will have more quistions, will ask them when I can think of them

I am also thinking about a loach. would a tiger loach be ok in this tank? max @8-9 inches, and semi agressive from what I read? If not, what would one suggest? it would be for snail control, and jsut something differant. do khulis eat snails? I think I would need 3 of them though huh?

Also, another fish Iwould love to get another one of is a red-fin shark, I gave my old one back tothe LFS when I got my senegalus
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