For Sale: anything you need fish,coral,plant,invert wise

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I am also looking for low light plants, mainly a bunch of java fern, but am open to other stuff if you have let me know prices. shipped to 48451
WTB - Marbled Motoro Female and/or Discus

I am looking for a mature Marbled Motoro Female and/or Discus. Got anything?

I know I don't have a following like hn1 does but I'm kinda starting up to sell basically everything listed above in title. You let me know what you need and I can get you a price and shipping will be overnight shipping so it might cost a little more. Let's see how this goes salt, brackish, and fresh.
This is for ant. Everyone will be getting responses today.


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ilostnemo said:
I know I don't have a following like hn1 does but I'm kinda starting up to sell basically everything listed above in title. You let me know what you need and I can get you a price and shipping will be overnight shipping so it might cost a little more. Let's see how this goes salt, brackish, and fresh.

Do you have any fresh water Angelfish?
Can you pm me any coral frag pics of what you have and prices to 33455 or 34997, which ever is less expensive, if it even makes a difference lol
looking for fig 8 puffers and cherry shrimp pm me
Do u have any red cherry shrimp or bulky plants? I have all fake plants and need so live ones that take up some space for my fish to hide in for FW
Money_man1688 said:
Do u have any red cherry shrimp or bulky plants? I have all fake plants and need so live ones that take up some space for my fish to hide in for FW

I have some java moss I could send you its the easyest plant to take care of it just grows.
5-10 depending on how much you want.... Ill sell you a soft ball sized piece for 10.. And that will expand to almost double
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