Aquarium plants....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2006
Hi, i have had a 10 gallon tank for a little while and I decided to try a coupple plants. Well, they aren't growing. I got two different types of plants, on the package it says Hardy Aponogeton Bulbs for live aquariums. It also says they grow 6" to 8" in 15 days provided at least 8 hours of light per day. I was just wondering whether I'm not doing some I need to be or I just need new plants?
Moved to Planted Tank forum.

The problem is, you have to have a few things present in order to grow and keep your plants healthy, that is provided you do in fact have aponogetons. You can get yourself pointed in the right direction by reading the stickies at the beginning of this forum.

In the meantime, what is your current wattage and what size tank?
If your lighting and nutrients are in order, then there is a good chance you just got some dud bulbs. They do grow fast, but sometimes it takes a couple weeks for them to START growing.
yeah i had some of those in my 55 gallon with hardly any light and it took them like 3 weeks to start growing.
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