Aquascaping tools/CO2

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2017
Hey all! just wondering what is a good/quality set of aquascaping tools that are also relatively cheap <$100.

Also Should I be running CO2? I have a 40 gallon breeder that has 3 amazon swords, 2 cardinal plants, 3 dwarf sag, and a crypt wendtii. The plants are on islands and are not fully grown but appear to have some sort of deficiancy despite weekly feedings of flourish. My nitrate levels remain low 5-10. Without having to do weekly water changes.
Check eBay/Amazon for stainless steel tools. Sometimes they are offered in sets. At minimum, get scissors and tongs (giant tweezers). Helpful for trimming, planting, and getting to hard to reach places.
Regarding the CO2, it may depend on the lighting. If it is low then the need for CO2 is decreased. On the flip side, most plants will benefit with the addition of CO2 in various lighting situations.
You mentioned Flourish...are you referring to Seachem Flourish Comprehensive? Despite the name, I used it along with API Leafzone 1-2x a week. I felt the combo provided sufficient macro and micro nutrients. Nutrient deficiency IMO causes more issues than nutrient (over) abundance.
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