Aquatek Paintball CO2 Regulator

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2013
Hey guys ive been using my Aquatek paintball regulator with success for a while. I recently bought a GLA atomic diffuser and have had a little trouble with it. Does anyone have experience with using these two together? The customer service rep made it sound like there may not be enough working pressure.
Yes, very possible that you don't have enough pressure with that system to use an atomic diffuser.
The GLA customer rep informed me that even though it says it has 50 psi working pressure it may not be accurate and that some cannot power the atomic diffusor. I found out I had a leak in my system, its working better now but we will see after i get a new bubble counter.
After getting the CO2 adjusted the diffusor is working as it should! Future note: the aquatek regulator may or may not be able to power this diffusor it depends on each regulator.
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