Aquired a new 110g, now lets stock it :)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2012
Northern Michigan
Title says it all! Moving most of my gang over to the new tank, I will list the species here in a minute. I plan on getting more females for the males that I already have but other than getting the females I would love some input on what else I could stock, and what is an appropriate number for this size tank.

Stock moving in:
3 Pundamilia Nyererei
2 Labs
2 Red Zebra
1 Afra
1 Demasoni
1 Bichardi
1 Acei
2 Borleyi
1 Ice Blue
2 Julidochromis marlieri
2 Intermedius Lethrinops
1 Cobalt Blue Zebra
1 Dimidiochromis Compressiceps

Now with that taken care of, Id like to add a couple more Blue Zebras, Bichardi's, Demasoni's, Afra's and Acei's. My family really likes the look of Frontosa's but Im afraid they may not work with my group. Another question I have would be if I could add a Calvus? I already have one Compressiceps and someone told me awhile ago that I could not keep 2 together. Is there any truth in that? :thanks:
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AndrewsPistol said:
Title says it all! Moving most of my gang over to the new tank, I will list the species here in a minute. I plan on getting more females for the males that I already have but other than getting the females I would love some input on what else I could stock, and what is an appropriate number for this size tank.

Stock moving in:
3 Pundamilia Nyererei
2 Labs
2 Red Zebra
1 Afra
1 Demasoni
1 Acei
2 Borleyi
1 Ice Blue
2 Julidochromis marlieri
2 Intermedius Lethrinops
1 Cobalt Blue Zebra
1 Dimidiochromis Compressiceps

Now with that taken care of, Id like to add a couple more Blue Zebras (female) Demasoni's, Afra's and Acei's. My family really likes the look of Frontosa's but Im afraid they may not work with my group. Another question I have would be if I could add a Calvus? I already have one Compressiceps and someone told me awhile ago that I could not keep 2 together. Is there any truth in that? :thanks:

Is this a 6' tank? If so you can keep a lot more then what you have. As for the calvus and frontosa I wouldn't recommend it since its not a Malawi species but then again some of what you already have isn't. :) It can cause major problems later down the road imo
Yep, 6ft! Dang, I really wanted the Calvus lol, I didn't really want the Frontosa so I'm not heartbroken over it ;) the only thing i worry about is making sure the fish I get can put up with the Nyererei's. The ones I have became accustomed to they're harassment lol but I have tried to introduce new fish and they have stressed them to death :( that's why I've made the decision to get a bigger tank. I've tossed around the idea of keeping them, the Compressiceps and the Bichardi in the 55. I have lots of ideas but don't know which one to run with haha! What do I think a good number is for 110g?
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AndrewsPistol said:
Yep, 6ft! Dang, I really wanted the Calvus lol, I didn't really want the Frontosa so I'm not heartbroken over it ;) the only thing i worry about is making sure the fish I get can put up with the Nyererei's. The ones I have became accustomed to they're harassment lol but I have tried to introduce new fish and they have stressed them to death :( that's why I've made the decision to get a bigger tank. I've tossed around the idea of keeping them, the Compressiceps and the Bichardi in the 55. I have lots of ideas but don't know which one to run with haha! What do I think a good number is for 110g?

Any chance of having them both tanks set up? Oops sorry missed that part lol

I would separate the malawis from the others. Depending on what fish you get I think you can do 35-40 ;)
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Oh yea, the 55 will still be up ;) the 110 is tank # 5! The build will probably be kind of a slow process since I'm gonna keep the 55 active. I was gonna take the filters off the 55 and run them on the 110 but instead decided to get canisters for it and a couple active filters from AngelsPlus to jump start the cycle. Coming up with the funds to build this the way I want is gonna be a lil difficult for me to budget in and that's why I say it may be slow lol! Hoping I can get a good profit off my fry to help with the build!
AndrewsPistol said:
Oh yea, the 55 will still be up ;) the 110 is tank # 5! The build will probably be kind of a slow process since I'm gonna keep the 55 active. I was gonna take the filters off the 55 and run them on the 110 but instead decided to get canisters for it and a couple active filters from AngelsPlus to jump start the cycle. Coming up with the funds to build this the way I want is gonna be a lil difficult for me to budget in and that's why I say it may be slow lol! Hoping I can get a good profit off my fry to help with the build!

Edited my post above
isiah1820 said:
They frontosa gets really big if I'm not mistaking

Yep, I think I read 12 inches?! Like I said, I wasnt too keen on the idea of a Frontosa, my family digs em and it would be a great centerpiece... Just not for me tho :)
I have a duboisi in with my Malawis and he's doing great maybe you want to try one of thos guys it should work u have a big enough tank
isiah1820 said:
I have a duboisi in with my Malawis and he's doing great maybe you want to try one of thos guys it should work u have a big enough tank

Just googled it, very cool!!! Was Urs spotted when you got it? Just wondering how long before the colors change. I think I'm gonna HAVE to have one ;)
Andrew McFadden said:
This one is a lake tanganyika species Julidochromis marlieri. I've always wanted to set up all 3 lakes too

Ohhh yea, the Shellie's r Tanganyika, on second thought, I think my Compressiceps might be too?! How cool would it be to have all 3 setups? Oh no... I feel an itch to do that! I wonder how many tanks I'll have to get before I'm satisfied lol
AndrewsPistol said:
Ohhh yea, the Shellie's r Tanganyika, on second thought, I think my Compressiceps might be too?! How cool would it be to have all 3 setups? Oh no... I feel an itch to do that! I wonder how many tanks I'll have to get before I'm satisfied lol

I believe they are Malawi I'm 98.9% sure without looking ot up.

Convict2161 said:
Do this!!!!

That's sick bro
I love that video. That's my next tank!! Music included for your viewing pleasure in surround sound!!

I'm serious too!!

AndrewsPistol said:
Just googled it, very cool!!! Was Urs spotted when you got it? Just wondering how long before the colors change. I think I'm gonna HAVE to have one ;)

Yes he's still spotted another thing I noticed is at night wen I turn the tank light off he turns almost completely black, also read there a slow growing cichlid glad u liked it.
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