Are Buones Aires Tetras known plant eaters???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I just got off the phone with the local Big Als fish manager. I was inquiring about ordering a special ground cover that I saw on the Tropica website. I was explaining to him how all the Narrow leaf chain sword I planted was eaten and uprooted within days by my Tetras, he said "What kind of Tetras do you have?" I told him and he said, "oh, well they're known to plant eaters, that's why I don't even sell them" So he said If I want I could bring them in for credit. I am considering it, because 1 - they are bigger than I anticipated and 2 - I want a nice ground cover and they ate it all. what should I do?
I have two in my quite heavily planted tank (low light though, so mostly crypts and anubuis). Sometimes, my plants get nibbled on, but I have never actually seen the buenos aires tetras eating them. My dwarf gouramis on the other hand :roll: , I see them munching on them all the time. None of the fish have really eaten enough of the plants to do much damage, but it might be the plants I have in my tank aren't too tasty.
nemo_betta said:
Go to and type in "buenos aires tetras plant eaters" and you should get a bunch of links and most likely find a solution to your predicament....:p hope this helps! :fadein:

Thanks for the Google tip, but I posted here to get peoples experiance. There is plenty of info on google, but you never know what your getting there. At least here I know I can trust most of the responses.
I think I'll move this over to the Plant forum and that way more planted tank owners will see this and hopefully give you some advice.

However, if they can be 100% implicated in the loss of all of your ground cover, then I'd say even if nobody else's BA tetras eat plants, yours do, lol! :lol: Then it might be a good idea to trade them in on another kind of tetra that suits your tank better.
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