Arowana Wanted Dragon..

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 15, 2003
san salvador
Looking for Arowana/Dragon fish in Seattle area. I am not willing to pay 12 grand for a fancy ilegal one from singapore, anybody know what I can buy or not?> I understand I can go to Canada and buy some but may get busted on coming back in with it, what is ilegal what is not? A local pet store here Wa. state has a BLACK AROWANA for 80 bucks, . Is it Brackish? much info needed, I have browsed all the sites on it so no need to post, thanks. I hear the little ones go for like 18 bux.
I found something here re: USA and the asian AROWANA I like the last comment about ones that are already breeded stateside.
1. T S Kan / Keith Yoneda - beginning 1 July 98. Dear Mr. Kan Tien Siong, First of all, let me comment you on your excellent webpage. It is one of the most complete guides to care taking of Arowanas. Anyway, my name is Keith Yoneda and I live in Hawaii. Do you have any distributors in Hawaii ? If not, what would be the cost to purchase a Red Arowana ? Your help is greatly appreciated . Mahalo& ..Keith Yoneda

Dear Keith, Thks for the compliment. At the moment I do not have a distributor in Hawaii. This is because the US does not allow trade in the Asian Arowana (not even when they are captive-bred at CITES-registered farms like ours) because of the Endangered Species Act. As Hawaii is under the US Federal jurisdiction this piece of US legislation applies to Hawaii as well . However, a reliable US source informed me that this law will soon be amended to allow trading in captive-bred Asian Arowana in the US. Perhaps, you can check it out with your Dept. of Wild Life as to when this will be effective. Would appreciate a note from u on the outcome if you do check..

Dear Mr. Kan, I have contacted the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Aquatics Division and their reply to my question on the US Endangered Species Law is as follows :

Aloha Keith, I am sorry to say that Arowanas are not allowed into the US. The Biological Service, U.S. Fishery and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior does not support the commerce of Arowanas. About a year ago, I tried to talk to the Biol. Service, it was an occasion of being transferred from one office to the next, until I realized they were running up my phone bill and passing the buck& even when I told them I was a part of Hawaii State government.

It would require action on the part of the US Congress to change laws to allow for importation of Arowanas& . Because of CITES regulations. So, for now, go down to the Sea Fortune Restaurant and admire those on display. Or ask that they breed!!! I don't think they can stop the trade in specimens already here ??? Not so sure.

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